Hello Alexander,
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 12:23:41PM +0200, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> There is currently an new attempt ongoing to get the Debian Project News  
> (DPN), the successor of our news letter "Debian Weekly News", running  
> again.  Discussion took place on the debian-publicity mailing list, and - 
> as we no longer would like to use the wiki - already set up an alioth  
> project as well as an subversion repository (with commit access to all  
> DDs, all others must get a -guest account).

Why is the old dwn repository not reused? It might at least be a good
idea to contact the previous translators and add them to the new

> We try to send the DPN out bi-weekly.  Our current plan would be to  
> "freeze" them every second Friday and send them out the following Monday.  
> That would (in theory) allow reviews and translators time to catch up and 
> prepare the DPN in their languages.

This sounds reasonable. Also please do try to keep standard texts
stable, so that translators can copy them over each week.

> * Would it cause a big problem for translators, if it reviewing and  
> translating is done in parallel?

As former DWN translator I see no problem in that. As long as the
repository is used, diffs can be used to update the translation if
necessary (slight style changes might not mandate an update, for
example). Please keep some kind of versioning, tough, so translators
can easily see if and if yes how much they are outdated.

> * I guess one weekend is okay for you to finish the translation?
> * Did I forget anything else?
> And would you like your translations to be integrated into the publicity  
> project's subversion repository (so everything would be together), or  
> where would you like to work?  That would have the benefit, that I could  
> add all translations to the websites CVS at the same time.  That would be 
> much easier than telling the other languages to add theirs, or for them to 
> sit their waiting for my commit, wouldn't it?

Not speaking for the German team (I don't know who might take over the
translation) but I think the one repository style worked quite well in
the past. Just be liberal in the accounts - some teams might employ
several people for translation and review and having them all work
"live" would be a good idea.

> So could someone please shed light on me, who's actively taking care of  
> sending announcements out to the following lists?

> debian-news-german    - I can send them there, but won't have time for  
> translations



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