Am Samstag, den 02.08.2008, 09:39 +0200 schrieb Christian Perrier:
> Small comment here:
> You may want to split out the Choices list so that it gets easier for
> translators to spot that this is not a sentence, but three different
> choices that will be presented to users as a list. - which doesn't even have a comment upon
it. Documentation encourages me to use _Choices for static strings, and
the lintian warning about it is only in experimental state. You know
what has to be done to avoid having to write such mails.

> So, in the original templates file, you should replace:
> _Choices: usable for all, usable for group audio, usable only for root
> by:
> __Choices: usable for all, usable for group audio, usable only for root

 See above, according to documentation I shouldn't do that.

> Indeed, I just filed a BR against lintian for it to recommend the use
> of "__Choices" over "_Choices".

 Which is a pretty strange approach especially since documentation still
points the other way ...

> *However*, if you do that, you'll break all translations.

 Thanks for putting that much confidence into my work that I would do
that. :/

> The trick to avoid this is described in po-debconf(7):
>       Unfortunately if you decide to switch between these two forms,
>       all translations become fuzzy.

 Again, it doesn't say that it should be switched, or that the switch
would be a good thing.

> I strongly recommend checking PO files before and after the change
> (msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics) . Those that were complete should
> still be complete. Otherwise, I'll hit you hard at DebConf..:-)

 Feel free to hit someone else if you feel like doing so. I haven't done
it before debconf and I don't plan to do it any time soon, there are
much more intersting things to annoy others with, besides that that
isn't in my interest - and I tought you would be aware of that. And yes,
I noticed the smiley, but it still feels like implying that I would be
the person who is reckless with respect to translators. Good to know
that my efforts over the years are that much valued ...

 So long,

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