Am Montag, den 28.07.2008, 15:03 +0200 schrieb Gerfried Fuchs:
> Dear Debian I18N people,
> language        translated     fuzzy     untranslated
> -----------------------------------------------------
>   sv                 3           1              

 I will refrain from sending updates to the swedish translation list
again. Reason being moderation junk sent back and it's highly annoying.
If you don't want any update notifications then just don't translate
anything, but pretty please spare me the "held for moderation" junk
mails, especially when they are localized only and not even readable by
non-swedish speaking people.

 I'm going to remove the Language-Team entry from the po file to reduce
the annoyance for future similar messages. Another option would of
course be to switch it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead
instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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