Can you point out what kind of structure would benefit the Debian i18n/l10n 
The following comes to my mind:

- formal team (role(s) ?)
- goals (short/long term)
- infrastructure
- policys (most important?)
- guidelines

Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards,

Miguel Figueiredo

A Monday 30 June 2008 06:18:11, Christian Perrier escreveu:


> What I wanted to enhance in my own comment is that, being the de facto
> "leader" of the i18n group/team/whatever, most people around here
> probably rely on actions taken or initiated by /me.


> The i18n team is missing some formal structure. I think I'm mostly
> culprit for that as many people see myself as the team "leader" and
> therefore expect any movement to come from /me. I'm not the best
> suited person to *organise* stuff, indeed and we're really missing people
> who take responsibility to lead things.

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