Quoting Clytie Siddall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> In particular, I have noticed what a difference it makes to  
> participation if you have a Pootle server (eight of my projects are  
> using Pootle now). I know we still have some scale issues with putting  
> the whole of D-I and debconf and heaven knows what else onto a single  
> Pootle, but meanwhile, could we please just put _some_ of the files up  
> there? That would make it easier to attract new translators, and easier 

_some_ of the files *are* there. I just didn't announce this
explicitely because I want to make some cleaning there (particularly
in project authorizations)

Stil, *you* can do your DI work in Pootle for Vietnamese, Clytie.


From there, you should be able to update Vietnamese translations AND
commit them back to their original repository.

As you have 2 untranslated strings for Vietnamese as far as I can see,
just try...

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