Quoting Helge Kreutzmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Are you going to announce the NMUs here, as you did with the SMITH
> review, so that other languages also have a chance to add their po
> file before the window is closed for *err* another release on those
> packages?

Yes. A translation update round is part of the l10n NMU
process. However, the packages that are currently targeted for NMU
(http://i18n.debian.net/~thuriaux/l10n-nmu/nmu_bypackage.html) are
indeed nearly always those that had a Smith review but no action by
the maintainer.

So, for these packages, all translations that usually come in for
Smith reviews are already there. So, I'll make the update round *very*
short or indeed I'll just skip it.

Example for the first two packages (those indeed had an update round
in November):


ca-certificates (20070303-0.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload to fix longstanding pending l10n issues.
  * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
    english team as part of the Smith review project.
    Closes: #432249, #434789
  * Debconf translation updates:
    - Japanese. Closes:#433067
    - Basque. Closes: #433074
    - Spanish. Closes: #433078
    - Czech. Closes: #433100
    - Galician. Closes: #433215
    - Russian. Closes: #433224
    - Swedish. Closes: #433432
    - Vietnamese. Closes: #433792, #427000, #434992
    - Dutch. Closes: #434670
    - German. Closes: #434788
    - Italian. Closes: #435029
  * Portuguese. Closes: #435471
  * Finnish. Closes: #448826
  * Remove /etc/ssl when purging the package (only if that
    directory is empty). Closes: #454334
  * [Lintian] Give a reference to the GPL text in debian/copyright
  * [Lintian] No longer ignore errors from "make clean"
  * [Lintian] Upgrade debhelper compatibility to 4 (with debian/compat).

foomatic-gui (0.7.7-0.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload to fix longstanding l10n issues.
  * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
    english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #426084
  * Debconf translation updates:
    - Italian. Closes: #426153
    - Galician. Closes: #426760
    - Danish. Closes: #426784
    - Basque. Closes: #426932
    - Arabic. Closes: #427112
    - Vietnamese. Closes: #427143
    - Russian. Closes: #428576
    - Czech. Closes: #428596
    - German. Closes: #428686
    - Brazilian Portuguese. Closes: #428687
  * Finnish. Closes: #446733
  * [Lintian] Use "Applications/System/Administration" for the menu entry
    instead of the deprecated "Apps/Tools"
  * [Lintian] Use "su-to-root" as su application in the menu entry and
    .desktop entry
  * [Lintian] Replace ${Source-Version} by ${source:Version} in dependencies
  * [Lintian] Move Build-Depends-Indep to Build-Depends for packages used
    in the clean target

PS: you'll note that some QA changes are also included in such
NMUs. This is the policy I also applied for the Etch l10n NMU


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