Quoting John Goerzen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> This is all highly confusing.  I have not changed the debconf templates, but 
> meanwhile people are sending me bugs asking me to please apply these 
> translation updates.  I want to do the right thing and get the translations 
> in, play nice with everyone, and fix & close bugs!  Developer X says please 
> don't do foo, while developers A, B, C, and D say please do foo.  
> Technically as the maintainer, I can fix the bugs now if I want to.  But I 
> don't want to make life hard for people.  #462981 asked me to "place this 
> file in debian/po/ as de.po for your next upload", not to wait for #462210.  
> I am not a member if an l10n/i18n team  and don't really know how to judge 
> whose requests I should listen to, and in fact I don't know if honoring one 
> request will inconvenience lots of other people.
> How do I know which requests to update translations should be done, which 
> shouldn't, and should I apply all these that are pouring in now after some 
> fixed event, or should I just close them out of hand?

John, I think that all explanations are in bug #462210.

The text I included in that bug report says that this is a proposal for
templates rewrite...which of course triggers needed translation

Then, I sent a call for translation updates and instruct translators
to send their updated PO files in the BTS so that they're not lost
(which could happen if they send it directly to /me).

Of course, these translation updates that come *after #462210 are only
meaningful if you apply changes I propose in #462210.

What *I* do not have control about is the text that is included by
translators in their bug reports and most use wording such as "please
apply as soon as possible" which is most of the time their standard

In the "rewrite" bug report, I try explaining all this, by basically
saying "just don't care about incoming translation updates and wait
for my final patch in about 2 weeks".

*That* is the real point: as we know that debconf templates rewrite
*do* trigger a lot of work to maintainers, we decided to just handle
everything for you guys and just collect all information and send a
final patch so that you can be lazy..:)

I very much understand this may still be quite disturbing but, as of
now, this is the less worse way we found to handle that pretty
complicated process..:-)...and as of now again, we always ended up
with correct stuff done by the maintainers, don't worry..:)

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