Quoting John Goerzen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> OK, that makes sense then.  It might be good to try to coordinate with them 
> to adjust their boilerplate next time.

Sure, I can adapt the text they receive, but:

> I appreciate all of your efforts on this, and sorry for being so confused 
> here.  Maybe I'm the only one that actually reads the text of the bug 
> reports that the translators are sending in? ;-)

that's possible and I also suspect most translators don't even read
the text that *I* send to them when posting the call for
translations. So, if I warn them *there* about avoiding to urge
maintainers to apply the translation, I suspect they won't see it.

I suspect something like the following in the average translator's

mail from bubulle->talks about package <foo>-->file bar.po
attached-->take bar.po-->update bar.po-->send bug report to <foo> with
bar.po attached

....which does not include *reading* "mail from bubulle"...:-)

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