> I have just looked at what strings are untranslated, and quite a few of 
> them are in the description of the upgrade procedure. IMO that makes the 
> Romanian translation unsuitable for inclusion.

I really fail to see the rationale here.

Allowing partial translations to be used is precisely the purpose of

When only 25 strings are untranslated out of 626, that means that the
document will have a few parts in English. So, well, that's not
perfect but readers will still have the information as handy as they
would if the Romanian translation just doesn't exist.

So, really, would it be me, I would have made an exception and
activated Romanian at that point.

In case we want to avoid the user's surprise, we could maybe imagine
having po4a adding a disclaimer at the beginning of the generated
translated file when it is generated from an incomplete PO file.


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