On 9/21/05, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I suggest that you subscribe to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailinig list.
I have already subscribed debian-in-workers mailing list and debian-i18n.
Discussing this over there may make easy to find more translators
Sure. We will discuss all related issues and translation process here. I am also looking for Gujarati contributor for sharing and review my l10n works.
In the same time, given that no-one actually volunteered to Gujarati,
we can probably begin the "New Language Process" described in
I am going through it now..
Logically, I would ask you to get in touch privately with me for this.
What I want to suggest here for this New Language Process: make an
exception to the "rule" and have it happen in debian-i18n. This is a
fairly recent process which I normalized in the Debian Installer i18n
documentation and it may raise interest to some of the readers in this
mailing list (I already ran the process in public for another
language: Bengali, in debian-in-workers).
I'm keeping track for bn-language discussions at debian-in
> Do you agree? If so, I let you read the documentation pointed above
> and we'll start running the process when you mention me you're ready.
> and we'll start running the process when you mention me you're ready.
Agree. I am ready and we can start the process.