> As you said, I'm OK with  Step  5.  We can process for Step 6. Sorry that It
> was weekend, so reply is bit late from me !

OK, then now step 6:


Could you please send me a file containing all characters needed to
display Gujarati ?

As an example, please find attached the same file for Hindi.

You'll notice that all consonants/vowels are in this file (at least I
hope so....as I can't read/understand Hindi nor any other Indic
language). This is what we need as well for Gujarati.

The point is avoiding to remove the relevant glyphs from fonts when
building the installer. Actually, this point is *not* relevant for
languages displayed only in the graphical installer, but I prefer
keeping it in the process for all languages.

ॊ १ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९ ० ः ृ ौ ै ा ी ू ब ह ग द ज ड ़ ॉ ो े ् ि ु प र क त च ट ॆ ं म 
न व ल स , . य ऒ ऍ ॅ £ $ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ™ ( ) ¿ ऋ औ ऐ आ ई ऊ भ ङ घ ध झ ढ ञ ऑ ओ ए अ इ उ फ ऱ 
ख थ छ ठ ऎ ँ ण ऩ ऴ ळ श ष । ? 

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