> Please check that you get both copies (list and private) and answer by
> CC'ing me as well (this time only...later, no more need for CC's to my
> address).

OK, I got Kartik's confirmation that (s)he got my mail (Kartik, sorry
for this but actually I have no real clue whether you're a man or a
woman...and I hate assuming people are men by default, though I
suspect you're one...:-)).

So, let's go for step 2:


The language code is already known here: gu for iso-639_2 and "guj"
for the "soon to be" ISO-639-3.

Do you have people who I could list as "backup coordinator" and do you
work with a l10n team which I could also list ?

Both informations are not mandatory bu valuable information I can
record at this step of the process.

As soon as you'll answer this (even by saying me that there's no
backup coord and/or team), we'll proceed to next step.

Please answer to the list and we'll continue here, as already

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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