On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 10:43:20AM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Oct 15, Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >>  >/etc/po-sysv/<lang-code>/po-sysv.po
>  >>  >/etc/po-sysv/<lang-code>/user.po
>  >> Keep these files outside of /etc, they are not configuration.
>  >user.po is exactly a configuration file, isn't it ? 
> No, a .po file is not a configuration file at all.

This po file was intended to let the user express overrides to the
translations provided by the system, in the same way than /etc/menu files
are a solution to let the user override the default settings. That's why I'm
not convinced of the non-config status of this file.

But forget about this file, JoeyH convinced me that this file is useless.

>  >>  >/usr/share/locale/.../po-sysv-scripts.mo
>  >>  >  The result of the concatenation of both databases, to be used by the 
> init
>  >>  >  scripts
>  >> /usr may not be mounted when the scripts are run.
>  >> 
>  >>  >/etc/sysv-i18n/sysv-i18n.bashrc 
>  >>  >  every bash-based init script should source it prepare the i18n of 
> messages.
>  >> Again, this does not appear to be a config file.
>  >
>  >Would you fill a policy violation bug against bash for having the file 
>  >/etc/bash.bashrc ?
> No, because this is a config file.

Err, I'm not sure I understand the difference between my rc file and bash's.
But never mind, I followed the debconf example and moved it to

... which, in turn, is a bad location since it won't be mounted at the
beginning. Ok. I'll move it back to /etc (or /lib, if you insist very much).

Thanks for your time, Mt.

Of course Pacman didn't influence us as kids. If it did, we'd be running
around in darkened rooms, popping pills and listening to repetitive music. 

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