On Thu, Jan 08, 2015 at 12:37:47PM +0100, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess Debian has not any devroom (although it is involved in
> distributions devroom I suppose), but the distro has a stand. On the
> wiki does not seem to have a lot of help.

URL is https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2015/FOSDEM

> Does the stand need help?


> I dont have any material except a computer with debian and debian sticker
> on it.

A mindset "I care about the libre software that I use" is the most important.

> Just to precise, I am blind but I often am involved in various stands,
> except fosdem where it is generally very technical so I have few
> projects to help with this.
> I think I can help at least one day if needed, maybe one half day.
> Interested? Or is a team alreaedy done?

Yes, interested!
You are all welcome to join the team.
Yes, I know that it wouldn't scale,
but it is much better then "the others should do it"  :-)

> regards,
> Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
> accelibreinfo, votre partenaire en informatique adaptée aux déficients visuels
> Mail: mengualjean...@free.fr
> Site Web: http://www.accelibreinfo.eu

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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