[ José Vieira, 2021-03-19 ]
> [ Frans Spiesschaert, 2021-03-19 ]
> > In my opinion, a separate debian-edu-doc-pt package would have the
> > advantage that Portuguese-speaking Debian users would at least be able to
> > find the Debian Edu documentation in their usual spelling, even though they
> > may have to settle for a spelling that is less common for them in many of
> > the programs they installed.

My concern is the package name. Common practice in Debian is to have 
either pt or pt-pt, not both at a time (with the exception of 
transitional packages, see myspell-pt and myspell-pt-pt).

Also, the package name debian-edu-doc-pt would imply that the shipped 
manual is a translation into recent European Portuguese.

I believe the package name should reflect the intention to provide the 
manuals translated into European Portuguese with old spelling.

If the PO file would be renamed from »debian-edu-bullseye-manual.pt.po« 
to »debian-edu-bullseye-manual.oldspelling-pt.po (same for the Buster 
manual), a package »debian-edu-doc-oldspelling-pt« could be built.


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