Joey Hess writes:
> Ari Makela wrote:
> > series kernel or newer XFree86. Neither it's difficult to change the
> > kernel on the rescue floppy if the provided kernel does not support
> > hardware. If, Samba, for example, is not new enough, it's not
> > difficult to fetch the sources and compile it.
> Have you ever actually tried to do this?

Yes, I've installed Slink on an exotic AST server hardware. 2.0 didn't 
work. There was nothing that was hard to fix.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -- # Ari Makela, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
use strict;my $s='I am just a poor bear with a startling lack of brain.';my $t=
crypt($s,substr($s,0,2));$t=~y#IEK65c4qx AR#J o srtahuet#;$t=~s/hot/not/;my
@v=split(//,$t);push(@v,split(//,reverse('rekcah lreP')));foreach(@v){print;}

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