On 08.03.25 21:09, Simon Josefsson wrote:
I read this outcome as fairly clear message that, no, Debian does not want to provide a second set of installer images, and is not interested in contributions to make them.
Another way to look at this outcome, and the one I personally prefer by a wide margin, is that it'd be very cool to have them, but at this time their utility is … questionable, given that I personally own zero (out of umpteen) computers that would work with such an image.
Not my NAS, not my router, not my laptop, not the Raspberry Pi that's controlling my home's heating system. Or the other Pi behind the TV; said TV is a far worse problem from a free software PoV than a few blobs of firmware, but I digress.
So why should a GR compel us to build a second set of images which most people cannot use anyway?
On the other hand, if you want to spend some time building those images, fine, go ahead; if and when those images are actually usable for a relevant subset of machines out there, *then* we can might want to revise our decision.
-- -- regards -- -- Matthias Urlichs
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