Dear Debian Community,

I am Deep Pandya from Gujarat, India, and a long-time Debian user. I migrated from Windows to Ubuntu in 2013 and later explored the philosophy of the GNU project and the history of the free software movement. After trying GNU-endorsed Trisquel and PureOS, I finally landed on Debian (Stretch release) in 2019 and have been actively using it since (Buster, Bullseye, Bookworm). In 2020, I even wrote a blog post, "Reasons to choose Debian among GNU/Linux distributions" ( Though I am not a programmer or software developer, I deeply care about Debian's values.

In 2022, the General Resolution to officially include non-free firmware in the installation images shocked me because it signified a move away from Debian's conceptual roots.

I fully believe in the GNU philosophy and its uncompromising commitment to freedom. Without that, we might not have had the Linux kernel under GPL or even the open-source movement. However, when it comes to practical usability, I acknowledge that some users--myself included--may need to install non-free firmware for WiFi, Bluetooth, or graphics drivers. But in the past, when I made such a compromise, I was aware of it. Debian used to perfectly balance software freedom and usability--until 2022.

I understand that users need proprietary drivers to run certain hardware, and Debian should not ignore this reality. That is why I am not asking Debian to become a fully GNU-endorsed distro like Trisquel, which rejects all non-free software in every case. However, at the same time, Debian should not readily promote non-free firmware to the point where it loses its philosophical distinction and becomes just another convenience-focused distribution like Ubuntu or Linux Mint.

[A Ruinous Compromise]

After compromising a byte, our goal should be to find/develop libre alternatives so that, in the future, Debian users are less (bit) dependent on non-free firmware. Instead, we did the opposite--compromising more, from a byte to a kilobyte, for the sake of convenience. If this trend continues, what stops us from reaching a megabyte of compromise?

Debian's official inclusion of non-free firmware contradicts its original philosophical values and social contract. Today, Debian includes a few non-free firmwares; tomorrow, it may include several; and the day after, many. If we normalize this now, how will future Debian developers uphold our values? This is the kind of ruinous compromise that GNU warns about:

[A Call for Rethinking This Decision]

I urge Debian to rethink its decision to officially include non-free firmware and correct the social contract. Instead of making non-free firmware the default, Debian should ensure that users consciously choose to install it while being made aware of the implications. As GNU explains:

Imagine hiding the "devil" by making it an official part of Debian.

Debian is Debian--the "devil" should not be an official part of it.

I would like to close with a modified stanza from the Free Software Song, which fits this situation perfectly:

When we have enough free software, at our call, Debianers at our call,
    We'll kick out these dirty firmware ever more, Debianers ever more.

I look forward to hearing thoughts from the Debian community on this important issue.

Best Regards,
Deep P. Pandya

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