On 23/01/25 15:28, Matthew Vernon wrote:
Otto Kekäläinen <o...@debian.org> writes:
Numerous people are posting Merge Requests on Salsa. Please help review them!
I'd much much rather MRs were associated with bug reports; that way I
only have to remember to check one place for outstanding issues in my
packages, and years down the line when I wonder "why did this change get
made" I can look up the bug report in the BTS.
Adding bug report numbers is simple if the MR fixes a reported problem.
For other improvements it's kind of cumbersome.
This is what I do:
1) I open a MR. As the description of the MR I use the message of the
commit, if it comprises one commit only, or the message of the main
commit (usually the first or the last one).
2) I open a bug report (tags + patch). The text of the report is the
description of the MR, plus a link to the MR.
3) I receive (some minutes later) a bug number.
4) I commit --ammend the main commit to add "Closes: #XXX" and
force-push it.
5) I add "(Closes: #XXX)" to the title of the MR.
I believe this is The Right Thing To Do™, but I really would like to not
have to do steps 2 to 5.
Perhaps it's time to have a mr2bts service similar to tag2upload?
Or forget about the BTS and accept Salsa as the main place where
improvements are discussed?
Gioele Barabucci