
Quoting Otto Kekäläinen (2024-11-19 07:34:45)
> I am contemplating if I should also make videos on Debian packaging best
> practices, or have start a new Matrix channel specifically to help
> maintainers setup their git repositories correctly and find the optimal
> git-buildpackage commands for each thing they want to do.

I'd describe myself of being in the camp of "I don't care about the commands, i
don't care how my git branches are named, just document one thing so that my
packages can do the same thing that most other packages do". For that reason I
so far created new package repos with "gbp import-dsc" and used all the
defaults that come with that. I don't think I care much for what these defaults
are at least I didn't see myself reading past discussions about this and
thinking "nooooo don't name this branch debian/latest instead of debian/foo" or
something. I like to read of other people's workflows but then I often do not
see how their workflows can possibly fit my packages. There seem to be many
people who have the upstream git as part of their packaging git. I'm happy that
works for them but I don't see how I can leave my tarball-centered workflows
(even though all my upstream work in git) if all my upstreams ship DFSG
non-free material which I have to remove from their tarballs first.

So given all this, the point I wanted to make was: I'd like to watch your
videos if you make them. But at least for me you do not have to go through the
trouble of shooting videos. Just some HTML docs would be just fine for me.
Currently, I'm missing a long-term maintained document which explains "the"
(haha) recommended Debian git workflow through the lifetime of a package from
its initial creation to backports or stable updates.

Thank you for your work!

cheers, josch

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