On Thu, 7 Nov 2024 19:53:27 +0000
Roger Lynn <ro...@rilynn.me.uk> wrote:

> On 06/11/2024 19:20, Bill Allombert wrote:
> > Le Tue, Nov 05, 2024 at 05:35:59PM -0600, Aaron Rainbolt a écrit :  
> >> Hello, and thanks for your time.
> >> 
> >> I've been a Debian user and contributor for a while, and have
> >> noticed a rather frustrating issue that I'm interested in
> >> potentially contributing code to fix. The issue is what I call
> >> "Recommended bloat", which in short is what happens when you
> >> install a package with all of its recommended packages, and end up
> >> with a whole lot of stuff installed that you don't want and that
> >> the package you actually wanted probably didn't even need.  
> > 
> > A proposal I made was an option for apt to handle Recommends non
> > recursively.
> > That is if A Recommends B and B Recommends C,
> > apt-get install A --no-transitive-recommends
> > would install B but not C.  
> This, please!
> As a user, when I choose to install a package, I am likely to have a
> reasonable idea of what that package's recommendations do and whether
> I need them. However, for transitive recommendations, it is unlikely
> that I will know whether I need those packages. If they in turn have
> lots of further dependencies then I will probably not install them
> and take the risk of unwanted breakage to my system. If the top level
> package that I originally did want needs those transitive
> recommendations it should recommend them itself, rather than relying
> on recommendations further down the dependency chain.

One issue with this is that it doesn't really work if you're dealing
with metapackages that in turn reference other metapackages. You end up
with the "lower" metapackages installed but all of their recommends
missing. Making it possible to tune the number of "levels" apt digs
would make something like this more useful, but it's still possible for
there to be a "lopsided" network of metapackages, where installing
recommends to level N results in a metapackage's recommends being
omitted, but installing recommends to level N+1 results in a
non-metapackage's recommends being installed.

However, this isn't that hard to rectify - rather than specifying the
depth at which apt should stop installing recommends, one can specify
the packages in the dependency tree from which apt should install
recommends from. I.e., to replicate --no-transitive-recommends, one
would do
`sudo apt install package --only-install-recommends-from=package`
(please someone pick a better name for this switch). If you're
installing a complex metapackage network, you can just specify all the
metapackages you want to allow recommends from, i.e.
`sudo apt install metapackage 
This could then be used in combination with per-install package
blacklisting (i.e., `sudo apt install gwenview+ kamera-`) to control
recommends very easily and without much effort. As for Kicksecure, it
would solve the problems we're running into perfectly, since we'd be
able to use recommends in our metapackages and get the advantages of
skipping them for normal packages. No changes needed to Debian policy.
No changes needed to debian/control. Just modifying apt is enough to
begin with, and might even be enough in the long run. This wouldn't fix
the issue of packages having too much in their Recommends, but that can
be handled with bug reports.


> It would also be helpful if more package descriptions could explain
> why recommended and suggested packages are needed or helpful and what
> functionality they provide that would be lost if they were not
> installed. (Many already do this.)
> Thanks,
> Roger
> PS. I use aptitude, so I can interactively browse through the lists of
> recommendations, but it's still hard work and it can be a long list
> of very obscure packages. Do any of the GUI package managers show a
> graphical dependency tree? That might be really helpful to understand
> the package relationships and visualise the consequences of various
> actions.
> PPS. And the moon on a stick too, please!

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