On 2024-11-06, Colin Watson <cjwat...@debian.org> wrote:
> In some ways I think what we're missing is really a way to do the
> equivalent of "extras" in Python packages
> (https://peps.python.org/pep-0508/#extras): effectively groups of
> additional dependencies to enable some kind of feature that you can opt
> into if you need that feature, rather than having to pick from an

And conditional dependencies/recommends. Maybe they're kind of the same:

Package: foo
Recommends: foo-l10n-de[language-de]

Package: libQtGui
Depends: libQtWayland[gui-thingie-wayland], libQtX11[gui-thingie-x11]

Package: php
Depends: php-apache2-glue[apache2-is-installed],

But I think this is kind of just dreaming at this point.


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