Fay Stegerman <f...@obfusk.net> writes:

> [Added diffosc...@lists.reproducible-builds.org to Cc]
> * Fay Stegerman <f...@obfusk.net> [2024-11-06 17:43]:
>> * Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues <jo...@debian.org> [2024-11-06 02:28]:
>> [...]
>> > Have one package diffoscope and one package diffoscope-full and you could 
>> > even
>> > have a package diffoscope-minimal and there you have user-selectable
>> > granularity.
>> We already have two diffoscope packages for exactly this reason (I work on
>> diffoscope and only have -minimal installed myself):
>> $ apt-cache show diffoscope/sid | grep -A1 full
>>  This is a dependency package that recommends the full set of external tools,
>>  to support as many type of files as possible.
>> $ apt-cache show diffoscope-minimal/sid | grep -A2 partial
>>  This -minimal package only recommends a partial set of the supported 3rd 
>> party
>>  tools needed to produce file-format-specific comparisons, excluding those 
>> that
>>  are considered too large or niche for general use.
> IMO in the case of diffoscope it could make sense to have multiple tools
> metapackages, like a diffoscope-tools-android etc., to both make it easier to
> avoid those dependencies if you know you don't need them, but also to easily
> install the dependencies for the file formats you do work with.

I think even diffoscope-minimal pulls in too much - all i wanted was a
better version of debdiff, but diffoscope-minimal recommends things like
openssl, openssh-client, r-base-core which seem well beyong "minimal" --
but you cant just purge all its recommends as some (like xz-utils) are
needed for other reasons.

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