On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 12:08:07 PM MST Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
>For instance, gwenview currently
> recommends kamera. gwenview is an image viewer, kamera is a tool for
> working with digital cameras. Now it is true that kamera enhances
> gwenview's functionality by allowing it to see pictures on a digital
> camera that is plugged into the system, but by no means is gwenview
> useless or even substantially degraded from a functionality standpoint
> when kamera is missing.

In my opinion, gwenview recomminding kamara is the correct behavior and inline 
with policy.

If I install an app, Recommends should pull in everything that would make all 
the buttons in the GUI work correctly.  I shouldn’t have to manually install 
anything else for them to work.  Kamera should definitely be in Recommends for 
gwenview (although not in depends).

If you don’t want that, set your system to not automatically install 
recommended packages, and then you can manually install whatever you want to 
get all the features of the app to work correctly.  But please don’t mess up 
Recommends working correctly for the rest of us.

Soren Stoutner

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