Hi Jonas,

At 2024-09-07T08:37:45+0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting G. Branden Robinson (2024-09-07 05:47:17)
> > On a less sarcastic note, I am taken aback by the fact that this
> > project can have a ~100 message thread proposing a DEP
> > 
> > "Enable true open collaboration on all Debian packages"
> > 
> > without either the proponents or the detractors finding the blatant
> > thumb on the scale in the proposal's very _title_ a cause for
> > embarrassment.
> Thank you for rehashing(!) this point, in your famously sharp tongue.

You mean I haven't lost it?  I'm blushing.

> In case you really didn't notice the previous objections to the title,
> and to others that might have missed it, here are some quotes:

Aha!  I apologize for having forgotten.  I really have read the whole
thread, but I guess the instances you quote below washed clean out of my

A hazard of age, perhaps.  The first 3 things to go are your short-term
memory, your long-term memory, and your short-term memory.


> I included them here out of respect for those considering the Salsa
> tooling more "true" than other collaboration, including this dusty old
> email conversation (who uses email nowadays anyway, right?  Please
> stop using email: It is a dinosaur tool doscouraging new developers,
> so is slowly killing Debian!).

I quote the foregoing not merely to emphasize the objections, several of
which come from people I well recall from the "old days", but to
furthermore note that Savane, the software powering GNU Savannah, has
_recently_ (within the past year or so), _added_ support for email
replies to its ticket tracker.  I was skeptical that it would work
(because when I try new features anywhere, they seem promptly to break),
but sure enough it did, and I've happily started using it.

Here's a sample of the boilerplate from reflector messages:

        To reply to this notification, you have two options:
        * In the Web UI at <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66143>.
        * By email, ONLY IF you sign your email with a GPG key registered
          in your Savannah account AND you include the following line
          in the reply:

          {savane: user = 108747; tracker = bugs; item = 66143}

The line can be quoted, and Savane sensibly strips it out of the message
upon receipt, so these lines don't pile up in threads or in the comments
to the tickets on the website.

Nice design.  I'm pleased.  I like the high barrier against garbage.

Now all it needs is a control bot for ticket properties.  Preferably
without "kthxbye" support.  3:-D

Email--so dead that projects are _further adopting_ it as a vehicle for


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