On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 03:21:25PM +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
> > As I see it the CTTE decision effectively allows the transition to be
> > deferred until the moment you want to upgrade to 13.
> I think you mean: until the moment you want to upgrade to testing after
> Debian 12 release day. That's not Debian 13 *yet*, although you could

Yes, I meant that indeed… should have used codenames after all.

> > So, wouldn't it make sense to go with an (extreme) low priority debconf
> > question defaulting to 'yes, convert now' which [I think] non-experts
> > aren't bothered with and users/systems wanting to opt-out for the moment
> > (like buildds) have a standard way of preseeding rather than inventing a
> > homegrown flag-file and associated machinery?
> Speaking only for myself and not for the TC, I think a debconf question
> would be OK as an implementation of this, but the debconf question should
> indicate that the result of opting out is an unsupported system.


(Minus that for 12 it is technically still supported as long as it
 remains 12, but those who have to know will know that and everyone else
 is better of following the default anyhow)

> I had intended this to be for the class of systems that you would expect
> to discard and re-bootstrap rather than upgrading (chroots, lxc/Docker
> containers, virtual machines, etc. used for autopkgtest, piuparts,
> reproducible-builds, etc.), where a way to undo the opt-out isn't really
> necessary because the system is treated as disposable.

That is likely what happens to most of them, but as we support running
the merge somewhere between a few years ago and first unpack of a trixie
package anyhow I don't see the harm of having an official opt-out of the
opt-out as long as it happens in time.

(Perhaps it comes with the job as apt maintainer, but I don't "discard
 and redo" systems or even chroots… upgrades until hardware failure…
 my current build chroots are from 2013. So I can totally see me opt-out
 first and later in… although probably more with apt_preferences)

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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