On Sun, 04 Mar 2018, Thomas Goirand wrote:

> On 03/02/2018 01:00 PM, Gert Wollny wrote:
> > Since ftp-master also sometimes sends messages like "I let it pass for
> > now, but please fix it with the next upload", using the package issue
> > tracker would also be a way to keep track of these minor issues.
> For this, we have the BTS. If the issue is RC, it will prevent shit from
> migrating. Salsa's issue tracker doesn't have this feature.
> Also, I would really have preferred if Salsa's issue tracker feature was
> simply removed/desactivated, because every other day, there's someone
> proposing to replace debbug with it. Thanks but no thanks. One place is
> enough to look into. If you wish to write somewhere, the ITP bug is the
> correct place to go.
Every project/group can disable it at will. But it makes sense for some
things (like the salsa support tracker). So the answer is no for global
disabling it. 


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