Am 04.12.2017 um 21:47 schrieb Sean Whitton:
> Hello,
> On Mon, Dec 04 2017, Thibaut Paumard wrote:
>> I vote for:
>>    1- putting the non-free firmware on all our images,
> This seems more controversial than it needs to be, and misses an
> opportunity for us to express our values.
> Why are you against maintaining the fullly free images alongside those
> with non-free firmware?  The issue is that the latter are hidden, not
> that there's anything much wrong with the former.

Fully agree here. Let me try to summarize the discussion so far:

1. We (at least the vast majority of expressions in this thread so far)
  agree that the installer images with non-free firmware should be less
  hidden. Ideally, there's a download page added to our website that
  prominently (and in short terms) explains why many might need to
  choose those images over the (politically prefered) fully free ones.

2. Apart from that, we should improve support and documentation for
   loading non-free firmware from an external medium in the free

3. We should consider the a firmware subsection to non-free in our
   repositories. This would allow users to use non-free firmware while
   not adding sources for other non-free software on their systems.


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