On 05.12.2017 10:33, Jonas Meurer wrote: > 3. We should consider the a firmware subsection to non-free in our > repositories. This would allow users to use non-free firmware while > not adding sources for other non-free software on their systems. > > Cheers > jonas
I see this a little bit different - hell, no! - non-free is non-free and the pure existence of a line http://ftp.debian.org/debian $distribution main contrib non-freeĀ will not pollute a system with not wanted non-free packages. Afaik it needs a apt install $list_of_non_free_packages to do so. So we can leave non-free and all things are good. Anything else should be considered asĀ bike shedding. And i'm serious about that - if we consider amd and intel processor patches not as firmware should we leave them out or need these two packages a subsection too? I would call this pure nonsense. For me these sub-section discussion sounds like "I was young and i need the money ...". Sorry if this should be to offensive. But we are (at least should be) mature enought to stand to our decisions without any half-hearted excuses.