Le 01/12/2017 à 22:14, Luca Capello a écrit :
Like the following?
Which is 3-click away from the main page:
Three clicks away is three clicks too much.
We have a nice "download" button on the front page, suggesting that you
do not need to read the docs before downloading it, and pointing to an
image that will not install a usable system for 99% of new users.
I vote for:
1- putting the non-free firmware on all our images,
2- let the installer check whether they are needed,
3- if yes, let the user decide:
"Your network card/wifi adapter needs non-free spftware to operate. You
may choose to keep this install 100% free software, in which case you
will have no network connection until you plug-in a supported adapter,
or to install the non-free software required to drive your adapter. What
do you prefer?
[] stay free (no network)
[] use network (install non-free software)"
Kind regards, Thibaut.