The main reason is that this library is written specifically for my another
program "kbdashboard"[1] which I want to package into debian too.
So I thought I should add this package first. kbdashboard is a program to
help manage building multiple linux kernels which are different versions
or with different configurations, such as toolchains. It is, I think,
particular useful in embedded field. I wrote this tool and use it in my
daily work.
I do not find any other similar tools (maybe I am wrong) and want people
can benefit from it if they need.

By the way, after seeing other existent libraries, I think there is one
main differernce from them:

Multi-level sub commands. cli or subcommands can create app behaving like
git which has only one subcommand level,
such as "$ git commit [options]". But I hope to implement the something
like "$ kbdashboard build image" or "$ kbdashboard install image".
The pattern is like "build/image" and "install/image".

Because there may be many levels for sub-commands, I think a completion
file is important. It can help user utilise this program more effectively.

I know there are some shortages:
1. help information. I am trying to implement this feature now.
2. options. I believe this feature is not the main concern and can be
handled by the user.
    Implementing it can make the library too complex to use. And I want it
simple and focus on the commands.

Sorry for my poor English. I hope my ideas are expressed clearly.

Maybe there is an althernative way: merge this library into kbdashboard so
that I only add one program into Debian :).


2017-02-09 6:39 GMT+08:00 Ben Finney <>:

> Konstantin Khomoutov <> writes:
> > On Tue, 7 Feb 2017 13:23:24 +0800
> > Haishan Zhou <> wrote:
> >
> > >  * Package name    : golang-github-choueric-cmdmux
> > [...]
> > >  * URL             :
> > >  * License         : GPL-3.0
> >
> > Are you aware of the fact that usage of GPL is questionable *library*
> > Go code because a) most of Go programs are statically linked, and b)
> > this makes any Go code using a GPL-ed library required to use GPL as
> > well?
> That is an explicit intention of a copyleft license like the GNU GPL: to
> encourage programs to also be licensed under the same copyleft terms.
> I don't see why you say it is “questionable” to use the GNU GPL for the
> purpose for which it is designed. Please don't cast FUD on copyleft
> licenses, they are an important part of free software and therefore of
> Debian.
> > So, in the end, you're about to package a library which is currently
> > used by no packages external to it, and vasty more feature-complete
> > alternatives exist.  Hence do we need it in the archive?
> This is a reasonable criticism. Haishan Zhou, is there a specific reason
> you want this particular library in Debian when there are apparently
> equivalent packages already?
> --
>  \                    “He who laughs last, thinks slowest.” —anonymous |
>   `\                                                                   |
> _o__)                                                                  |
> Ben Finney <>

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