Konstantin Khomoutov <flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> writes:

> On Tue, 7 Feb 2017 13:23:24 +0800
> Haishan Zhou <zhssm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  * Package name    : golang-github-choueric-cmdmux
> [...]
> >  * URL             : https://github.com/choueric/cmdmux
> >  * License         : GPL-3.0
> Are you aware of the fact that usage of GPL is questionable *library*
> Go code because a) most of Go programs are statically linked, and b)
> this makes any Go code using a GPL-ed library required to use GPL as
> well?

That is an explicit intention of a copyleft license like the GNU GPL: to
encourage programs to also be licensed under the same copyleft terms.

I don't see why you say it is “questionable” to use the GNU GPL for the
purpose for which it is designed. Please don't cast FUD on copyleft
licenses, they are an important part of free software and therefore of

> So, in the end, you're about to package a library which is currently
> used by no packages external to it, and vasty more feature-complete
> alternatives exist.  Hence do we need it in the archive?

This is a reasonable criticism. Haishan Zhou, is there a specific reason
you want this particular library in Debian when there are apparently
equivalent packages already?

 \                    “He who laughs last, thinks slowest.” —anonymous |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org>

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