On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 12:48:50PM +0200, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Hi -devel,
> The reproducible-builds team are currently contributing patches with
> "wishlist" severity.
> This is because it is not currently possible to build reproducible
> packages within sid itself - we maintain a separate repository whilst
> our changes to the toolchain are pending review and consultation.
> Filing these bugs with a higher severity -- which would require
> developers to use this repository to fully test any modifications --
> would be unacceptable.
> However, based on an informal survey at DebConf (and to reflect the
> feeling towards software reproducibility in the free software community
> in general) unless there are strong objections I intend to raise the
> severity of these wishlist issues to "important" once the toolchain
> changes to dpkg and debhelper land in sid.
I think that reprocibility is an important issue, and marking
reprocibility bugs as important makes sense to me. That, please also
include a script to test builds for reprocibility in e.g.  devscripts
(see #786755) so that maintainers can actually test it themselves.

Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>

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