[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Pfaff) writes:

>     530-    Sorry, there are too many anonymous users using the system at this
>     530-    time.  Please try again later.  There is currently a limit of 10
>     530-    anonymous users for your domain group.

Sometimes the ftpd on master gets hung.  Whenever I get hit with this
message, I just log in, use ftpwho, and kill the daemons which are
obviously hung.  Of course you need to be root to do this.  Raising
the limit over 10 is probably reasonable too, especially as there is
no anonymous ftp.

Next time it happens, I'll SIGQUIT one of them to get a core and file
a bug report.

If you get hit with this in the future and ftpwho reveals hung
daemons, find somebody that has root to help you.


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