On Mon, Jan 05, 1998 at 11:33:25PM +0200, Amos Shapira wrote:
> I might be missing something here, but after being beaten by crackers who
> simply put a password sniffer on one of my Debian machines, I'd strongly
> recommand the Debian leaders to reconsider the policy of plain ftp and
> telnet.  In the least you should consider using SSLtelnet and SSLftp, if
> you insist on an alternative for ssh.

Maybe you should ask for SSLftp (and SSLftpd) to be added to the list of
needed packages? (or maybe even SSL patches for the comfortable FTP clients
like ncftp).

> I'd also like to recommand that all passwords on master shall be replaced
> if and when you disable plain ftp and telnet.

As a purely practical point: I dislike having to type my passphrase or
password for every file I'm uploading. Heiko, can dupload be changed to
upload all files with one "scp" when using SSH to upload?

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