In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
|On 6 Jan 1998, Rob Browning wrote:
|> Or if you use X, just put:
|>   exec ssh-agent ~/.x-common-startup
|> in your .xinitrc.  Then you can run ssh-add once after logging in, and
|> never type the phrase again until you log out.
|I have been looking al over for this trick... Tried this one to, which did
|not work...

It's very simple (assuming that a .xsession is equal in function to .xinitrc) 
here is my .xsession:

#!/bin/sh --
# execute the rest of the .xsession file through the ssh-agent
exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $HOME/.xsession-ssh

And here is my .xsession-ssh:
#!/bin/sh --
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH"
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
# run window manager first and remember its pid
fvwm & wmpid=$!
# Next line is significant:
xtoolwait /usr/bin/ssh-add < /dev/null
xtoolwait xterm -geometry +150+8
xtoolwait xterm -geometry +150+385
xtoolwait xdaliclock
xtoolwait xemacs -f mh -name emh -iconic
#xsetroot -solid RoyalBlue4 &
xsetroot -solid DeepSkyBlue4 &
#xsetbg -smooth -border DeepSkyBlue4 -center ~/etc/pictures/float.jpg
#xearth &
unclutter &
netscape -iconic &
# wait for the window manager to exit, this marks the logout
wait $wmpid

And here is something relevant from the .fvwmrc (artificially

Style "SSH Authentication Passphrase Request" NoTitle, NoHandles, \
Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop

One "bug" I noticed which is worked on by the author is that ssh-add
seems to call ssh-askpass using a system(3) call without quoting the
user identification comment, so you should avoid characters which are
meaningfull to the shell in the user identification comment.
Otherwise you can do something like:

ssh-askpass | ssh-add

instead of the call to ssh-add above.

And while I'm on the soap-box - who should I talk to about an offer to
provide "auto-login"?  I find it very convenient that my home machine
boots and automatically "logs me in".  I have it set up and working
for a year and I think it would be very usefull to most home users.



--Amos Shapira                    | "Of course Australia was marked for
133 Shlomo Ben-Yosef st.          |  glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805                  |  by the finest judges in England."
ISRAEL        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                     -- Anonymous

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