[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Stone)  wrote on 05.01.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Quoting Oliver Elphick (olly@lfix.co.uk):
> > Why does glibc2 not use long long (64 bits) for dates, insead of long int
> > (32 bits)?  Surely we ought to change this now along with all the other
> > libc6 changes?
> IIRC, POSIX stipulates that time_t has to be a standard arithmetic type

C89 (ANSI (1989) / ISO (1990, same text)) assert that. Many, many programs  
would break if you change it.

> whereas long long is a non-standard extension. (Although I also seem to
> recall some talk of ANSI standardizing long long, so that might not be
> true anymore.)

It's going to be in C9X, which has just published a draft for comment.  
Search comp.std.c in DejaNews for the last one or two weeks for the  
announcement. There's also an unofficial version available on the web  
somewhere, announced one or two weeks earlier.

Don't expect the standard to be ratified before 1999-31-12, though ;-)

In the meantime, Unix98 is also available on the web somewhere (can't  
remember that URL).

MfG Kai

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