[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Amos Shapira)  wrote on 05.01.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
> |> a 64 bit variable, it's good for another 4000 years.
> |
> |Uhhh -- no.  If it went from 32 bits to *33* bits, that would get us
> Actually, the current limit of 68 years (1970 + 68 = 2038) is posed by
> the used of SIGNED int (31 bits) instead of unsigned bits:

True, but please don't change that. You'd break the doc-rfc package -  
there are RFCs from 1969 in it :-)

> |4000 years.  This gets us more like 16 billion billion years (american
> |billions - 16 x 10^18 is what I mean, but it's off the top of my head...)
> Where did you get this 4000 years figure anyway?  33 bits would just
> double the duration from 136 years to 272 (bringing us to year 2242).

True. And 64 bits gives us +/- 68*4*10^9 years, or over 250*10^9 years.

10^9 = 1 milliard (where applicable) or 1 billion (elsewhere). Nothing  
like billions of billions there.

Hmm. I think that goes farther back than the beginning of the universe, so  
it's probably barely enough :-)

MfG Kai

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