[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05.01.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Well, there is a problem with the Gregorian calendar that has to be dealt > with in 2000 years or so (having to do with leap-millenia), but I figure > if it's more than 100 years it's no problem.
That depends on what you call a problem. The Gregorian year amounts to 365.2425 days on average, whereas the astronomical one is 365.2422 days. That's a difference of 0.0003 days per year, or approximately one day every 3000 years. (Incidentally, did you know that this works out so weekdays are exactly the same every 400 years?) Remember that the last calendar reform was made at an actual difference of about 10 days (and some countries took a long time after that to implement it, thus increasing the difference even more), so I'd expect people won't touch that until the difference is again in that ballpark - around AD 31000-32000, that is. And even that will only happen if enough people will still be interested in the relation of this calendar to the Christian faith at that time - which I personally doubt, frankly. MfG Kai -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .