Am 2009-05-31 22:43:18, schrieb Stefano Zacchiroli:
> No, sorry, that's FUD. For instance, you can always copy small part of
> materials that aren't even copyrightable, for instance a sequence of
> two letters. Please stop using this kind of arguments, as they are
> worth nothing.

No one is copying a"a sequence of two letters".  If this E-Mail  is  for
example under DRM. I could be sued if I copy your above paragraphe.

I hope you understand this.  It already happen here and I live  in  this
sick country since 26 years.  Because  the  french  authorities  try  to
kick-off my Enterprise I WAS ALREADY SUED FOR THIS in Strasbourg.

And YES, I am NOT-PRO Sarkozy-Regime, because he has kicked me of  of  a
contract with the MoD!  (I was in the french army for 24 years)

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    25.9V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
<>                 Michelle Konzack
<>                   Apt. 917
<>               50, rue de Soultz
Jabber           67100 Strasbourg/France
IRC #Debian (                     Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ #328449886                                Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

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