Le 14 févr. 08 à 17:04, Harshula a écrit :


re: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-docs.html#s12.1
Each program, utility, and function should have an associated manual
page included in the same package. [...]

Here's the example:

1) a.tar.gz -> a.deb
2) b.tar.gz -> b.deb
3) c.tar.gz -> c.deb

c.tar.gz contains only documentation, including man pages for
binaries/scripts in a.tar.gz and b.tar.gz.
[example of lintian warnings]
What is the recommended way to deal with this scenario?

My point-of-view is that it's fine IF the package which contains the binaries Depends: on the package which contains the manpage. In that case, you may write a lintian override.
(Note: IANADD... BADM)

Regards, Thibaut.

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