

a) Yes, they are *really* distributed in three separate tarballs.
b) The three tarballs are not released in sync.


1) a.deb & b.deb shall depend on c.deb
2) a.deb & b.deb shall contain lintian overrides.

Thanks for the useful feedback!

[NOTE: If replying, please keep my email address in the TO/CC list]


On Fri, 2008-02-15 at 03:04 +1100, Harshula wrote:
> Hi,
> re: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-docs.html#s12.1
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Each program, utility, and function should have an associated manual
> page included in the same package. It is suggested that all
> configuration files also have a manual page included as well. Manual
> pages for protocols and other auxiliary things are optional.
> If no manual page is available, this is considered as a bug and should
> be reported to the Debian Bug Tracking System (the maintainer of the
> package is allowed to write this bug report themselves, if they so
> desire). Do not close the bug report until a proper man page is
> available.[80]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Here's the example:
> 1) a.tar.gz -> a.deb
> 2) b.tar.gz -> b.deb
> 3) c.tar.gz -> c.deb
> c.tar.gz contains only documentation, including man pages for
> binaries/scripts in a.tar.gz and b.tar.gz.
> Since c.deb contains all the man pages, running lintian on a.deb results
> in:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> W: m17n-db: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/m17n-db
> N:
> N:   Each binary in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /bin, /sbin or /usr/games
> should
> N:   have a manual page
> N:   
> N:   Note, that though the `man' program has the capability to check for
> N:   several program names in the NAMES section, each of these programs
> N:   should have its own manual page (a symbolic link to the appropriate
> N:   manual page is sufficient) because other manual page viewers such
> as
> N:   xman or tkman don't support this.
> N:   
> N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 12.1 for details.
> N:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> What is the recommended way to deal with this scenario?
> cya,
> #

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