On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 02:27 -0500, Kevin Mark wrote:
> Hi debianista,
> after my initial work on a diagram, and the comments and the work of
> madduck,  I had some time to redo my diagram to produce a totally new
> concept. any comment appreciated.
> http://kmark.home.pipeline.com/newdebian.png
> http://kmark.home.pipeline.com/newdebian.dia

Not to find fault with something that will clear up much confusion in
the Debian Sphere of Being, but I am wonder where the contributions back
to upstream are in this picture?

Where should it go? I don't know. Debian is one of the largest
contributors to upstream(s), with bug-fixes, feature adds and
improvements in code cleanliness. As well as being upstream for many

Also, shouldn't it also be noted the distributions that are based on
Debian that give-back to upstream (like Ubuntu and the plugin-dev and
pmount thing). Given I don't know if it warrants, as it would be a user
submission with patch to the DBTS.

Other than that, I think its very good looking, I don't have the
knowledge to judge whether it is accurate of not.

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