Hi Kevin,

Great work! I am glad to see you got down with dia; I love that
tool. Here are some comments:
a. I am not sure what the "process realm" is.
b. Developers do not tag bugs, they sign packages. Is that what you
   meant? Also, note that at the moment, most only sign source
   packages and binary uploads, not the binary packages themselves.
c. Upstream is not really a repository, is it?
d. I am missing the link between buildd and unstable. They get the
   orig.tar.gz from unstable for any uploads in incoming that do
   not include the tarball.
e. I think it's "M. Schulze", not Shultze.
f. Sven's name has an Umlaut; here, to cut-n-paste: M�ller
g. "users processes" should be "users' processes", though I think
   you may want to use another word. Like plain "users" or "user
   systems" may be better.
h. There are more rules as to when packages migrate from unstable to
i. You use both meanings of "priority" (changelog and control)
   without making it clear which one is meant.
j. "updates propagate", not "updates propagates". I know you are
   talking about the collection, but it sounds weird.

That's it for now.

To get our graphs onto www.debian.org, I assume we file bugs against
that pseudo-package. Let me know when you are ready, then we can
submit one bug report together.

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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