On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 04:56:27AM +0100, Cesar Martinez Izquierdo wrote:
> El Jueves 11 Noviembre 2004 07:50, Mike Hommey escribió:
> > You're not lucky, with the 1.0 package that just got uploaded to
> > unstable, your package is useless, 'cause support for
> > /var/lib/mozilla-firefox/chrome.d has been dropped.
> Ok, no problem, I've uploaded a new package, updated for firefox 1.0 and that 
> uses the new method:
> http://users.evtek.fi/~k0400388/debian/mozilla-firefox-locale-all/mozilla-firefox-locale-all_1.0-1_all.deb

I'd also suggest to drop the ja-JPM locale, in favour of the ja-JP one.
The reason why is explained here:
(Sorry I didn't take the time to find a resource in english)
Basically, it says that the ja-JPM locale is the one using the same kind
of vocabulary as MacOSX. The ja-JP locale is the one for windows/unix.


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