On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 06:47:15AM +0100, Cesar Martinez Izquierdo wrote:
> Hi! Sometimes a package with all the firefox translations has been proposed.
> With the arrival of Firefox 1.0, localization has been normalized and now 
> this 
> package seems quite suitable.
> As a proof of concept, I have packaged "mozilla-firefox-locale-all", 
> containing all the available translations at the moment.
> You can download the package at:
> <http://users.evtek.fi/~k0400388/debian/mozilla-firefox-locale-all/>
> The "rules" file includes an "wget" rule that can download the available XPI 
> files with the translations.
> After download new XPI files, if you regenerate the package then you get all 
> the required files for these new XPIs.
> The currently built package contains the XPI files downloaded from 
> <ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-0.11-l10n/linux-xpi/>.
> Maybe it would be better to use 
> <ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/1.0/linux-i686/xpi/>, 
> which contains less translations but they are supposed to be tested and 
> complete. Anyway the nightly XPIs seem to work fine for me.
> Opinions and testing is welcome.

You're not lucky, with the 1.0 package that just got uploaded to
unstable, your package is useless, 'cause support for
/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/chrome.d has been dropped.

Anyways, I'd suggest to make a multi-binary package so that it produces
several mozilla-firefox-locale-* packages.

As for how to make the thing work with new firefox package, I'm working
on an HTML version of what I sent to extensions packages maintainers 2
days ago about the new scheme. I'll send the URL here when it's done.
In the meanwhile, you can still guess what's going on by taking a look
at extensions and locales available in


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