On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 08:36:34PM -0500, Nathan Hawkins wrote:
> I used grub, though instead of PXE. (Most of the hardware was old, and
> very few, if any, of the the NIC's supported PXE.) grub can be built
> with network support, and it supported all the NIC's we had. It also
> loads the kernel and filesystem from the network faster than from
> floppy. :)

Heh.  grub is among the first things I install, along with screen, sudo,
vim, and ssh. ;-)  I had forgotten about grub's netboot capabilities.
Very cool feature.

Chad Walstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           http://www.wookimus.net/
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */

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