Chad Walstrom said on Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 10:05:15AM -0600:
> On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 01:13:57AM -0800, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
> > FAI is good, but it doesn't handle updating the systems once you have
> > them installed.
> You're absolutely right.  The cfengine scripts are also slightly
> difficult to re-use after the initial installation.  A good cfengine
> setup is hard to beat for managing multiple boxes, but cvsup is
> certainly a good way to do it.

I like cfengine, but I haven't done anything in production with it yet.

> It just goes to show that there is no One Right Way(tm) to do things.

Indeed.  But arguably there are better ways; it would be cool if Debian
Enterprise would help support them.

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about this sort of automatic machine
maintanence; there's a lot of tools out there, but they all have weak spots
here and there.  There also doesn't seem to be many places where people are
talking about this stuff, either; many seem to go out and roll their own
system, which is fine, but then all the poor admins end up re-inventing the
wheel, which is not fine.

M, wheel re-inventor.

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