Tim Krieglstein said on Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 02:10:57AM +0100:
> I would like to have some feedback, especially on the topic of
> doing automatic updates with an cron job. I would also like to hear of
> some hints if there is an other tool which does the job (debix,
> skolelinux,...: haven't looked at them. The websites of the subprojects seem
> still to be hit by the security incedent :( ) better than these puny
> script files. I think the whole automatic management thing (which is
> also the reason behind the whole "enterprise" discussion) has a lot of
> potential. Having the ability to reconfigure large clusters or
> workstation installations is *really* helpful. 
I did what you are trying to do using systemimager, cvs, and cvsup.

I use systemimager to install the initial Debian image (the golden-image, in
systemimager terminology), that is created from a functional working Debian
system (the golden-client).  I also have a CVS repository off all per host
configurations.  A cron job runs the systemimager updateclient tool (basically
an rsync wrapper) + cvsup once/hour.

Using systemimager is nice because it's a file-based image; I don't have to
worry about debconf, or installers; I just install the package once on the
golden client, update the master image from the client, and then everything
picks up the new software automatically.

There are a few rough spots (mostly in that I don't have a fully automatic way
to restart daemons that have been updated in the golden client, so I have to
restart them by hand), but in general it works very well, and has saved me a
lot of time.


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