On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 12:24:37AM +0200, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 10:41:54PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:

> > That doesn't help all that much - it's also important see why the bug
> > has been closed.

> Because it is fixed... 

The trick is working out why the maintainer believes the bug to be

> > whatever it was I was trying to do when I generated the error rather
> > than by fixing the error handling.

> it wont help you, if it says "print a helpful error message". If you realy

Which is rather easily distinguishable from "Support $STRANGE_REQUEST"
and that's the kind of difference I'm talking about.  It's also a bit
confusing if the bug has been closed in an unexpected fashion - for
example, by supporting a feature with a slightly different syntax to
that expected.  Bug reports aren't always models of clarity and
sometimes maintainers don't always immediately grasp the issues being
discussed.  A few words of explanation can avoid a lot of head
scratching and confusion.

The more informative and helpful the changelog the less chance the
easier it is to resolve any confusion that arises.

> care that much, look up the patch.

"New upstream release, diff only 1.2M!".  

"You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever."

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